Nuno Martins

About Me

Hi, my name’s Nuno and I’m an aspiring Game Developer.

I am most skilled in: Unity, java and Throwing Games


Project for Game Development Methodology course. First project I did in unity with a group of 3 other programmers.

The course asked us to apply our knowledge to make a game. We decided to make a cooperative assymetrical game where one player is a thief and moves around the map and the other is a hacker that guides the player through the map.

Project for the course Computer Graphics for Games.

In this course we learnt about game engine software development. From rendering to character animation and physics. In this project we developed a version of a game engine with open-gl with our own math library. We implemented Bloom and SSAO(Screen space ambient occlusion). They are Cyber Noodles because in the beginning we wanted to created a cyberpunk noodle shop.


First time participating in a Game jam

The theme for this game jam was “What home means to you”. We created a top down 2D game developed in Unity where the player goes around looking for his family while escaping ghosts of bad memories.

Game Jam Project during the COVID Times

The theme for this game jam was “Lost & Found”. We created a 2D platformer developed in Unity where the player could switch between an explorer or a penguin and the objective was for the player to guide the penguin home.



Student Researcher

October 2019 - January 2021

Worked as part of my MSc Thesis

Researched Procedural Content Generation applied to Cooperative Games Created a Procedural Level Generator using a Genetic Algorithm that generated levels for Geometry Friends.


Software Development Intern

February 2022 -

Worked as a software developer and devops

Worked on a lot of different areas including creating microservices using Spring Boot, Jenkins pipelines, deployments for Kubernetes and Openshift Clusters. Using many different tools such as Elasticsearch, Kafka, Prometheus, Grafana. Used GIT and agile methodology during development.


Instituto Superior Técnico

BSc Information Systems and Computer Engineering

2015 - 2018

Técnico is the largest school of Architecture, Engineering, Science and Technology in Portugal, involving a community of over 10,000 people.

During my time at Técnico I experienced many different hardships such as tight or overlapping deadlines. But it gave me the experience of working with many different people as part of a team and a base knowledge to understand and work in any of the areas related to computer science and engineering.

Instituto Superior Técnico

MSc Information Systems and Computer Engineering

2018 - 2021

Técnico is the largest school of Architecture, Engineering, Science and Technology in Portugal, involving a community of over 10,000 people.

Continued studying in this masters to focus on fields of my own interest. I chose to focus on Artificial Intelligence, Game Development and Game Design. Writing a the thesis taught me skills related to academic research.

A Little More About Me

Alongside my interests in programming and game development I also enjoy:

  • Gaming
  • Reading (webtoons and mangas mostly)

This was me participating in MOJO our University’s way to showcase student Game related projects: